Zach Horvath Common Vandal LIVE A GREAT STORY


Let’s chat about the rollercoaster of life and how amazing it is to be on the ride

3 Must-Have's for Building Your Community

3 Must-Have's for Building Your Community

1. Connected to Each Other

Communities are circles, not pyramids.

The value and worth of a community stems not from the top down flow, but from the side to side.

The power comes from people in the community connecting with each other.

The more non-hierarchical a community can be, the more energy it can cultivate, pushing out the boundaries to include more and more people, because the energy is decentralized.

Communities thrive when people can connect on a peer-to-peer level, realizing there’s no hierarchy of value, that each person brings immense value in one area while the others bring it in another.

2. Rallying behind a Cause

The energy of a community is maximized when working towards a common goal.

Each person plays their part in the team effort of moving the ball towards accomplishing an objective.

This cause has to be hyper-focused, measurable and ever-elusive, evolving with each step closer to accomplishment… or else it’s accomplished and the community will fall apart.

That’s why businesses that lead with a focused mission build massive customer loyalty. When people buy products, spread the word and connect with other members, their main focus is to impart measurable change.

3. Organized and Consistent Movement

Frameworks, structure, roadmaps, guidelines, responsibilities…

Operations are crucial to a thriving community.

The path towards accomplishment needs to be clearly articulated so that the individual energy can be synchronized.

The less confusing and the more simple it is for members to rally behind a cause, connect with each other and to know the next steps, the more easily the momentum will compound.

Clarity is vital, supported by consistency to build group routine, which leads to momentum.

Data: Nobody Clicks on Insta

Data: Nobody Clicks on Insta

I just want to do hood rat stuff with my friends

I just want to do hood rat stuff with my friends