Zach Horvath Common Vandal LIVE A GREAT STORY


Let’s chat about the rollercoaster of life and how amazing it is to be on the ride

Journaling: Pen, Paper? Daily? Reading them? Do you?

Journaling: Pen, Paper? Daily? Reading them? Do you?

I have journals going back to 2006 when I was 16.

Three of them in the following years are hand-written in different colored composition books.

But sometime around 2010 I switched to computer journaling. I have a Google Drive where they all live.

Early 2020 I started Morning Pages and those are all loose leaf white pages. Three pages by hand, every morning. These surprisingly stack up pretty quick.

“I stopped going to therapy and started journaling” someone told me the other day.

I get it.

Journaling is powerful.

The act of writing down your thoughts, narrating your ideas, chronicling your story and analyzing your life is a seriously impactful practice.


Seriously, do it for a month.

Try it out.

Something crazy I just started was going back and reading my journals.

I started in 2006.

Wow… it’s pretty wild.

Well, kinda.

It literally is all about partying, girls and tension with my mom.

Literally allllll of it.

Every entry is about one of those three things… for about a year.

It’s crazy reading what I wrote.

The memories come flooding back. The scenes are repainted. The struggles are relived… just 15 years later.

I’m incredibly glad I have these journals and I’m glad I recently picked them up from our storage unit.

I’m excited to keep reading and to time travel back to a younger me…

What about you?

Keep doing what you want to keep doing

Keep doing what you want to keep doing

Sotally Tober

Sotally Tober