Why Didn't I Switch to Shopify Earlier?! — Common Vandal by Zach Horvath
Zach Horvath Common Vandal LIVE A GREAT STORY


Let’s chat about the rollercoaster of life and how amazing it is to be on the ride

Why Didn't I Switch to Shopify Earlier?!

Why Didn't I Switch to Shopify Earlier?!

To start 2019 LIVE A GREAT STORY switched over to Shopify… and holy shit why didn’t I do this earlier?

Last year I was contemplating this move and ended up getting talked out of it from our previous web company because “it’s design limiting” and “all the add-on subscription fees stack up quick”.

They were straight up wrong.

Shopify is amazing, here’s why.


In 2019 the sole focus of LIVE A GREAT STORY is to sell as much merch as possible.

Sales have never been the goal because for a long time that wasn’t the vision but now selling stickers, flags, hats and apparel is the main focus because merch has the biggest impact on spreading inspiration AND it actually makes money.

Our old website was on Wordpress with WooCommerce and it was terrible. Switching to Shopify has been like walking in to The Garden of Eden.

“You can’t change what you don’t track.” - some old school business advice

They track all sorts of metrics to give you as much info as you need to make better sales decisions.

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Data on data on data for days. It’s amazing.

They make suggestions, give you micro info and macro suggestions. They have all sorts of tutorials that pop up to help with conversions or Instagram marketing etc forever. It’s legit.


I built and launched our site in less than 10 hours for under $200. Compared to what I spent on the last site (time and money) this move was a no brainer and I’m kicking myself for not making the move earlier.

I didn’t even really need THAT much content to bring it to life. I picked a few of our awesomest pictures and it was ready to go, mostly because of the super simple integrations.

If you had a cool business idea that you wanted to test with a few products, you could have it up and running in ONE DAY. Seriously.


Shopify gives you a rad platform with tons of data and for everything else they make it super simple to use other world class apps. In a few clicks you can have amazing apps running on your site that will take your business to the next level.

Yesterday I built out our loyalty program, started on a better product review process and began the process of building out an upsell offer, all of which will take business to the level by increasing AOV and CLV (will touch base in month with more details)

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All in all, I’m a huge fan of Shopify already and I’m just getting started.

LIVE A GREAT STORY is gearing up for some cool action by the weekend which will crystalize much of the theory that I’m dipping into currently. I’m going to touch base with more info soon.

Love, loving and saying "I love you"

Love, loving and saying "I love you"

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3 Focuses for Leveling Up in 2019