My friend asked, "What's one good part about your 'Rona?"
Reading and writing.
Hands down, without a doubt, no question.
Over the last six weeks I’ve read seven books (ranked in order of favorites)
It’s more than I’ve read it a long time. Way too long.
See, I used to read a lot, but at some point in the last couple of years, I fell off. I’d pick up a book and it just wouldn’t feel right. Over and over I’d pick up a book but never finish it, mainly because they were repetitive and boring business books.
Or they would just get my mind racing about how to apply the ideas and I wouldn’t finish them.
Regardless of the reason, I just wasn’t reading*
But in Covid lockdown I’m so glad to be back to reading.
And also writing… like this piece you’re reading right now :)
I’ve written hundreds of blog posts but it’s been a long time since I’ve consistently put out content, sharing thoughts, assembling ideas and actually publishing them.
Writing has had a massive impact on how I’ve been working through this whole experience with Covid-19 and social distancing.
And the cool part is, I’m going to keep it up!
At least for 30 days straight, at which point, I’m excited to see what the next step is with publishing…
I have ideas.
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*Side note here: is reading one of the best things you can do to grow as a person? Absolutely. Reading is amazing and can do wonders for improving your life, something I can vouch for first hand. And I wasn’t, even though I knew I should. I made the very conscious decision not to read. I prioritized real life learning over book learning… this was what I told myself, and I don’t feel about or regret it.