Zach Horvath Common Vandal LIVE A GREAT STORY


Let’s chat about the rollercoaster of life and how amazing it is to be on the ride

Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Never thought I’d be facing a lengthy prison sequence…

But here I was.

And it was all an accident. The timing couldn’t have been worse.

The sequence of events, the seemingly random variables and the sheer stupidity of the situation all added up to me now holding my food tray looking out towards a sea of people all dressed exactly as me, sitting or en route to lunch tables.

Who would have thought jail looked like my high school cafeteria?

Rewind just a handful of days and the scene was entirely different.

Sitting at a coffee shop, computer-ing like usual, surrounded by a group of ambitious entrepreneurs building their dream businesses.

Talk about a juxtaposition.

Not too long after, as the sun was setting, a group of us were en route to a pit stop before a planned long night out.

Most of the crew are building a business or otherwise intently passionate about growing in our careers.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t like to party.

And on this particular evening, partying was a front and center focus.

Which, often enough, means crossing paths with less reputable and ambitious people… or maybe just ambitious with a different definition.

I mean, come on. I only listen to is dirty rap music. What’d you think?

When I say it happened within seconds, I really mean it.

It was like straight out of a movie.

One second our friend is running into the house while the rest of us wait around the car.

The next he’s running out of the house, closely followed by a group of angry looking guys.

Seconds later there’s a full out brawl happening in the street, us versus whoever them is.

Another second later I’m holding a gun.

And another second later no less than five cop cars have us surrounded with guns drawn.

And I’m still holding that gun.

The rest of everything happened in a blur.

Tackled. Cuffed. Holding Cell. Judge. Charges. Jumpsuit. Transfer.

And now I stood holding my tray, shaking my head as I looked out into the jail cafeteria.

And that’s when I woke up.

Lying in the comfort of my bed, Roux cuddled up next to me and Madison next to her.

Literally wtf.

I haven’t had dreams in a long time. I pretty much don’t dream. Never in the morning do I wake up remembering what happened after I fell asleep.

But that last few nights I’ve been dreaming.

It’s. been. a. long. time.

What are dreams? Where does that scene come from? Have I just not been dreaming? Is that bad or good?

For the last two weeks and some change I’ve been on a Growth Spurt Month so I haven’t been drinking or smoking, been drinking a lot of water, meditating and journaling daily and also sweating every day.

And somehow this has led to dreaming.

Last night I lost my GoPro in a river.

And the night before that Madison and I were in a haunted house.

What? So weird. I wonder what will happen tonight…

We all need a Roux boost

We all need a Roux boost

FOMO, clocks and living thousands of realities

FOMO, clocks and living thousands of realities